Course curriculum

    1. Welcome!

    2. Before You Begin

    1. Foundations | 3 Components of Gardening | Sun

    2. Foundations | 3 Components of Gardening | Soil

    3. Foundations | 3 Components of Gardening | Water

    4. Foundations | Plant Seasons

    5. Foundations | Plant Families

    6. Foundations | Frost Dates

    7. Foundations | Extending Your Season

    8. Foundations | Conclusion

    1. Planning | Introduction

    2. Planning | Garden Types

    3. Planning | Garden Supports

    4. What to Grow

    5. Planning | Conclusion

    1. Build + Prep | Introduction

    1. Planting | Introduction

    1. Management | Journaling

About this course

  • $297.00
  • 18 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

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